
How To Get Rid Of Razor Bumps Overnight

Why get rid of fleas on cats fast and naturally? Well, when cats are attacked by fleas they suffer immense discomfort, pain, and devastation that may ruin their lives permanently. This is the reason as to why vaccines for cats are available. For instance, fleas make cats restless, agitated, lethargic and jittery. No one likes seeing their cat suffering from anxiety, maybe that's why some people have suggested the use of CBD oil for cats. Might be worth considering, but it is important to eradicate the fleas too.

Flea attacks result in terrible itching, scratching, repeated licking of the skin, inflammation due to scratching and biting, muscle loss and loss of hair down the back, tail, behind ears and back leg. Equally, cats attacked by fleas may experience itchy rash, skin infections, anemia due to blood loss, and even become allergic to their saliva. Using effective natural methods of flea eradication not only relieve cats from the distress, but also ensure that cats do not suffer from adverse effects of toxic chemicals used to kill the fleas. Below are 10 ways to get rid of fleas on cats fast and naturally.

(1) Use A Flea Comb

Running a fine-toothed comb through the hair of a cat is effective in eradicating fleas on cats. To successfully get rid of the fleas, the flea comb should be dragged slowly across the hair but as close as possible to the skin. It is also critical to combine the flea comb with lemon juice so that as you comb through the hair you leave behind an overwhelming smell of the lemon which helps to deter the fleas. The combing should be focused on the hiding places of fleas, such as the groin, base of the tail and armpits of the cat. You should also have a bowl of soapy water into which the fleas are drowned as they are removed from the cat's hair.

(2) Use Diatomaceous Earth Shampoo

The diatomaceous earth (DE) shampoo is prepared from the fine powder of the naturally occurring rock, diatomaceous earth. This rock is made up of fossilized remains of ancient hard-shelled algae, diatoms, and is a powerful flea repellant. When the shampoo is applied on cats, it penetrates through the tough, waxy exoskeleton of the fleas causing dehydration and eventually killing the fleas. DE shampoo is safe for humans and pets, but it is recommended that you use approved food-grade DE that does not affect cats even if they lick it. DE can be sprinkled on cat's hair and rubbed thoroughly or dusted on the cat's furniture and bedding, but make sure to wear gloves and a face mask to avoid direct contact with it.

(3) Use Rosemary Leaves

Rosemary leaves are not only one of best flea treatment for cats, but also an effective anti-inflammatory agent that will stimulate hair growth in areas where hair has been lost due to itching from flea bites. Rosemary can be applied in two ways. Firstly, you can churn a handful of the leaves into powder and sprinkle the powder onto the bedding and furniture of the pet. Alternatively, you can steep a handful rosemary leaves into a cup of hot water and soak the pet into the resulting solution (once it is lukewarm).

felis on cats

(4) Use Salt

The drying properties of salt make it effective in killing the larvae and eggs of fleas from cat bedding and furniture. To kill fleas on cats using salt, you can sprinkle the salt on the furniture and bedding, of the cats or clean the spaces frequently used by the cat with salt. Alternatively, you can add salt to boiling water and soak the cat in the resulting solution (when lukewarm). This will repel fleas.

(5) Use White Vinegar

With its ability to kill and repel fleas on kittens and cats, white vinegar is one of the most effective natural remedies for getting rid of fleas quickly. To use it, you only need to prepare a solution of white vinegar and then clean or bathe your cat in the solution. This technique and many others featured in this list also can help dogs with flea problems. However, if your dog needs flea treatments that are effective you can learn more about treatments here.

(6) Use Dawn Dishwashing Liquid

This dishwashing liquid is a powerful flea repellant that can help you to get rid of fleas fast and naturally. Application of the blue-colored dishwashing liquid involves adding a few drops of the liquid into the cat's regular bathing water. When the cat is bathed in the water, fleas will be killed immediately and your cat will be relieved. However, you need to rinse the liquid thoroughly to prevent possible irritation of your cat's skin.

(7) Hot Soapy Water Flea Trap

Fleas are highly attracted to light and tend to move towards it, especially at night. Hence, you can set a water trap to capture and kill multiple fleas on kittens and cats as they move towards light. To achieve this, you need to set up a shallow dish filled with hot/warm soapy water under a night light so that when the fleas hop from the cat towards the light, they can fall and drown in the water. You can empty your dish the following day and then set up new traps on a daily basis.

(8) Use Apple Cider Vinegar

A bath or spray of apple cider vinegar has an overwhelmingly foul smell that scares away fleas and is one of the best flea treatments for cats. To relieve your cat from fleas, mix apple cider vinegar with water in the ratio of 2:1, shake well and add to a spray bottle. Applying the spray on cats or kittens will force the fleas to jump off the pets. You may also drench your pet's coat with the solution every day for 3 days and see your pet relieved of flea infestation. Apart from apple cider vinegar, you may also use cider chips to keep the fleas away from your cat. Just add some chips on your cat's bedding and around outside spaces and you will repel the fleas.

(9) Use Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera juice is a powerful flea repellant and an effective way to get rid of fleas on cats fast and naturally. The most effective use of Aloe Vera juice involves combining it with cayenne pepper, mixing thoroughly and adding into a spray bottle to be used as anti-flea spray. The other option is mixing Aloe Vera with a relevant essential oil in the ratio of one drop of oil to one cup of Aloe Vera juice, and applying the solution topically.

(10) Use Lemon Spray

Citric acid from lemon juice is one of the best flea treatments for cats. To kill fleas on kittens and cats with lemon juice, cut a lemon into 4 pieces (quarters) and drop the pieces into boiling water, ensuring they are wholly submerged. The preparation should be left to stand overnight and then filtered so that the resulting solution (filtrate) is added into a spray bottle and used as lemon spray. Areas affected by fleas such as head, base of the tail and behind the ears should be sprayed thoroughly with the lemon spray. Alternatively, a soft piece of cloth or towel can be soaked with the solution and used to rub the affected areas. Remember that lemon juice can irritate the skin and must never be applied directly.

Here are some Dos and Don'ts for effectively killing fleas on cats and kittens:


  • Start early before flea infestation gets worse. This will make flea eradication easier and fast.
  • Clean walls and floors of the house daily, water the yard frequently and mow your lawn regularly. A tidy and neat environment will minimize flea infestation.
  • Bathe and comb your cats regularly, checking for fleas after bath.
  • Sprinkle diatomaceous earth (DE) around the yard and in areas where your cats spend most of their time.
  • Wash fabrics with hot water and use borax powder for routine cleaning.
  • Use only non-toxic methods of flea eradication.
  • Consult and work closely with a veterinary doctor.


  • Never use topical flea treatments that are meant for dogs.
  • Do not apply topical flea treatments on pregnant cats
  • Don't use citrus and essential oil sprays excessively.
  • Don't feed garlic to cats
  • Avoid pennyroyal oil flea treatments

How To Get Rid Of Razor Bumps Overnight


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